UCSA Campaigns

ACQUIRE was founded based on the reality that academic success depends on the availability of holistic resources and protections. Some of these resources and protections may include, but are not limited to: safety from interpersonal violence, sexual violence, and hate crimes; retention services; mental and physical health services; academic accommodations; and support for basic needs.

Campaign Goals

-Expand food security programs for undocumented and international students.

-Secure a $4.5M allocation from the state to fund alternative food assistance programs for undocumented and international students on all 9 UC campuses.

For more information, contact Acquire Campaign Coordinator Daniela Ortiz (dortizmendez@ucsb.edu)

Fund The UC focuses on ensuring affordability, quality, and access to the University of California by eliminating all tuition and fees, restoring per student funding to adequate levels, and maintaining financial aid for cost of living and other costs of attendance. Through identifying and securing dedicated progressive taxation revenue streams for the University of California we will achieve the original intent in the California Master Plan for Higher Education of an equitable higher education system for all.

Campaign Goals

-$2 million endowment for all UC’s with the goal of supporting 12-15 percent of non traditional students.

For more information, contact Fund the UC Campaign Coordinator Salome Achury (salomeachury@ucsb.edu)

Racial Justice Now fights for collective liberation and acknowledgment of our differences as we grow together as one society. This acknowledgment is crucial in order to prevent the erasure of our most marginalized communities, and therefore we must recognize that this ultimate goal is not something that can be achieved overnight. We must be intentional in our deliberate prudence towards our goals as we build community. The Racial Justice Now campaign strives to uplift the personhood and concerns of marginalized UC students to ensure their needs are met and their existence respected by the UCSA (and its individual board of directors), UCOP, the UC Regents, and the University of California via concrete policy changes. Our goal is to elevate students belonging to historically marginalized communities so that they are able to make the most of their education and graduate with their personhood(s) in tact. Additionally central to this goal will be continued advocacy towards eradicating the school-to-prison-pipeline and supporting the formerly-incarcerated on their paths toward an education. The Racial Justice Now Campaign works to further end the disproportionate exposure of marginalized students, specifically black and brown students, to the criminal justice system, recognizing that these efforts are integral in the efforts of our collective liberation.

Campaign Goals

-Pass Prop 6 (eliminates involuntary servitude) and NO on 36 (allows felony charges and increases sentences for certain drug and theft crimes.

For more information, contact Racial Justice Now Campaign Coordinator Shayna Gil (gil731@ucsb.edu)

UCweVote was established for the purpose of increasing the legislative power of the association and its constituents through organizing non-partisan student voter registration, education, and turnout efforts for every state and federal election on UC campuses.

Campaign Goals

-Minimum 6 ballot boxes per campus, increase polling stations, and establish voting center(s) w/ more language accessibility

For more information, contact UCweVote Campaign Coordinator Byron Chan (byronchan@ucsb.edu)

SEED (Students Enacting Environmental Defense) was founded for the purpose of pursuing environmental justice initiatives within and across the University of California’s campuses, affiliations, and surrounding communities through community organizing, coalition building, education, and legislative advocacy.

Campaign Goals

-Hold the University of California accountable to ensure of both NAGPRA and CalNAPGRA, and to investigate models that can be implemented at the UC to reach compliance.

-Pursue indigenous environmental justice.

If you are interested in becoming our SEED Campaign Coordinator, please contact OD Rytasha Kumardeen (odevpsa@ucsb.edu)