About Us

About Us

The EVPSA Office is dedicated to advocating for student issues to our representatives at the county, state, and national level. We also strive to bring representatives and experts in the field of higher education policy to our campus so that the student community can ask questions and have their voice heard.

What We Do

According to the Associated Students Legal Code, “The External Vice-President for Statewide Affairs (EVPSA) acts as a liaison and official Associated Students’ representative to the federal Government, Statewide Government, UC Regents, System-Wide Administration, the UC Student Association (UCSA), US Students Association (USSA), and state and national student coalitions.” Within these duties, our office is responsible for representing, advocating, and mobilizing students around any “statewide” or “national” issue. Basically, we work to keep students informed on national and statewide issues that are affecting them and motivate them to work for campaigns that benefit their daily lives and academic experience.


The goal of this office is to affect the profound change that our student body, students throughout California, and students across the nation so desperately need. It is our responsibility to be advocates for the students of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and it is a responsibility that we take very seriously. Our office, specifically, works to organize communities, fight campaigns, and build projects. Our goal is take the responsibilities given to us by the student body and outlined by the Associated Students Legal Code and create a better learning and living environment for the students. We use these responsibilities as a starting block from which to grow and expand in order to impact the most positive change possible. Part of doing this is listening to the input of the student body, which is why we encourage you to send us your feedback. Together, we can make the UC system not only more accessible but more beneficial.