UCSOS Conference August 16th-August 18th

The UC Student Organizing Summit is an annual conference, hosted by the University of California Student Association (UCSA), focused on the intersection of organizing and student issues, creating conversation and teaching skills that students need to be powerful student organizers. It is also where UC students will be able to vote on new issues for UCSA to organize and implement for the next two years.
Apply to be a part of the UCSB delegation using the link below. Hurry, space is limited.

Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGHDZi_sky_MLFE6GVPblb3sxU-ZyftjAlJD1qw03pJjCiMQ/viewform

Update: Applications are now closed, thank you to all those who applied you will be receiving an email shortly!